UK Network (London, UK)

DDoS Attack


Dear Clients,

We have seen no further issues relating to this over the past 24 hours, and so we will now consider this resolved. As always, if you have any queries or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact our team via our helpdesk.


Kualo Support


Dear Clients,

This attack was mitigated approximately 2 minutes after our previous announcement. We will of course continue to monitor for any developments and take further action if required.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Warm regards,

Kualo Support


Dear Clients,

We are experiencing a large inbound DDoS attack against our London network, which is causing some increased latency, slow network performance and connectivity issues for some network segments. Our DDoS mitigation protection has activated and our engineering team is working to analyse this at present to bring this under control.


Kualo Support